在网站开发过程中遇到上传图片等文件的功能,需要在服务器上设置该目录可写入,并且必须防止被上传 .php 等可执行的脚本文件。
一、程序上传的用户与执行 PHP 的用户不同(例如程序代码通过 SSH 上传(root 用户),而 PHP 以 www 身份运行)
由于 Linux 上的文件默认权限是 644,目录默认权限是 755,所以在这种情况下,PHP 不能修改 root 上传的程序文件,也不能将客户端上传的图片文件保存到服务器上。
例如我们将客户端上传的文件指定到 /upload/ 目录,那么,
第 1 步,赋予它写入权限:
chmod 777 upload
递归所有子目录请加 -R 参数,但会将文件也更改为 777,赋予了执行权限,这是不建议的。文件若需写入权限请设为 666。
第 2 步,设置该目录下不允许执行 PHP:
我们无法保证客户端上传完全符合我们要求的文件,那么必须禁止任何文件的执行权限。(此处指 PHP 的执行权限,注意与 sh 执行权限的区别,后者由 chmod 命令修改)
nginx 的 .conf 文件配置示例:
location ~ /upload/.*\.(php|php5)?$
deny all;
Apache 的 .htaccess 文件配置示例:
RewriteRule upload/(.*).(php)$ – [F]
特别注意:上面的代码必须加在 PHP 引用配置的上方才有效(如 nginx 的 PHP 引用配置 include enable-php-**.conf;)
默认 Linux 系统是大小写敏感的,所以规则中的正则表达式无须忽略大小写(但必须与实际的目录或文件名大小写一致),因为 MIME 类型中设置的是小写的 .php,那么类似大写的 .PHP 文件是不被 php-fpm 解释的,结果是被当作普通文本返回到客户端。
提问:有些目录需要设置为可写入,但里面还有正常的 php 文件,禁止执行会有问题吗?(例如 Discuz! 的 config 目录,ThinkPHP 的 Runtime 目录)
解答:以 Discuz! 为例,config 下面虽然有 config_*.php 等配置文件,但这些文件并非直接供客户端浏览,而是被其它 .php 文件引用(include 方式、IO 方式等),当 config 目录禁止执行 PHP 后并不会对它们造成影响。
我们在开发程序的过程中应避免在允许写入的目录下放置直接供客户端浏览的 .php 文件。
二、程序上传的用户与执行 PHP 的用户相同(例如程序代码通过 FTP 上传,且和 PHP 一样,都使用 www 用户)
常见于虚拟空间。这种情况下,通过 PHP 上传的文件可以保存到该网站下面的任何目录下(甚至是网站目录之外,即传说中的跨站),原因大家都懂,默认 755 中第一个是“7”,即所有者拥有写入权限。
举个早期的栗子:上传文件名为 abc.asp;.jpg,未改文件名保存到服务器,浏览器直接访问该文件,IIS 6 当作 abc.asp 来解析。
【推荐】上传的文件直接保存到文件存储服务(如阿里云 OSS),这样即使被上传了后门 shell,对网站服务器也不会有影响。
否则必须通过文件头来确定文件类型,检查文件十六进制的文件头和文件尾是否合法,并检查文件流中是否包含 php、evel 等字符。
使用 OSS 的应直接上传,不要在 ECS 上临时存放或备份。如必须存放的,应按上述规范操作。
CentOS + nginx + PHP:
全站文件取消属性中的“执行”权限(chmod),因为这个“执行”与运行 PHP 无关。而需要上传文件的“目录”需要“执行”权限,原因是需要往该目录创建文件。
仅需要写入的目录或文件设置“写入”权限。如上传图片目录、ThinkPHP 的 Runtime 目录。
凡可写目录或文件均不允许运行 PHP / PY 等 除需要被直接访问的 PHP / PY 文件,其它动态文件均不允许被访问到,在 nginx 的配置文件中添加项,参:https://xoyozo.net/Blog/Details/nginx-location-if,若全站使用统一的入口文件访问,那么设置仅该文件允许运行 PHP 即可。通过 IO 方式被其它文件包含的文件,无需运行 PHP 权限。(“deny all”对 include 起作用,但对 IO 不起作用,因此 Runtime 目录可以继续为 ThinkPHP 提供缓存服务。)这一步非常有用。
使用与 nginx 网站用户不同的用户来部署网站文件,如宝塔面板 PHP 使用 www 用户,那么就使用 root 或其它新用户来上传文件,否则将导致全站目录和文件可写。有条件的建议不同网站使用不同的用户,可防止一个网站被入侵后导致其它网站文件或磁盘上的其它文件被泄露的风险(2022年10月2日从宝塔官方社区获悉,宝塔面板暂不支持使用非 www 用户创建并运行网站)。
Windows Server + IIS + ASP.NET:
配置每个磁盘的安全属性,拒绝“IIS_IUSRS”这个用户组的所有权限。只要设置驱动器即可,子文件夹和文件会自动继承。若运行 .NET Framework 项目,需要设置 C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v*.*.*****\Temporary ASP.NET Files\ 目录可修改写入权限,.NET Core 项目不需要此设置。
为每个网站创建一个新用户,仅隶属于“IIS_IUSRS”。网站根目录安全属性添加该用户,权限选择“读取”。(已测取消“读取与执行”不影响 PHP,“列出文件夹内容”视业务需求开启,建议关闭)。仅需要上传文件的目录或文件设置“修改”、“写入”权限。(修改对应修改文件,写入对应上传文件)
IIS 网站中设置“物理路径凭据”以及应用程序池的“标识”。
IIS 中设置写入目录的“处理程序映射”无脚本。
Apple’s newest devices feature the Retina Display, a screen that packs double as many pixels into the same space as older devices. For designers this immediately brings up the question, “What can I do to make my content look outstanding on these new iPads and iPhones?”. First there are a few tough questions to consider, but then this guide will help you get started making your websites and web apps look amazingly sharp with Retina images!
Things to Consider When Adding Retina Images
The main issue with adding retina images is that the images are double as large and will take up extra bandwidth (this won’t be an issue for actual iOS apps, but this guide is covering web sites & web apps only). If your site is mostly used on-the-go over a 3G network it may not be wise to make all your graphics high-definition, but maybe choose only a select few important images. If you’re creating something that will be used more often on a WI-FI connection or have an application that is deserving of the extra wait for hi-res graphics these steps below will help you target only hi-res capable devices.
Simple Retina Images
The basic concept of a Retina image is that your taking a larger image, with double the amount of pixels that your image will be displayed at (e.g 200 x 200 pixels), and setting the image to fill half of that space (100 x 100 pixels). This can be done manually by setting the height and width in HTML to half the size of your image file.
<img src="my200x200image.jpg" width="100" height="100">
If you’d like to do something more advanced keep reading below for how you can apply this technique using scripting.
Creating Retina Icons for Your Website
When users add your website or web app to their homescreen it will be represented by an icon. These sizes for regular and Retina icons (from Apple) are as follows:
iPhone | 57 x 57 |
Retina iPhone | 114 x 114 |
iPad | 72 x 72 |
Retina iPad | 144 x 144 |
For each of these images you create you can link them in the head of your document like this (if you want the device to add the round corners remove -precomposed):
<link href="touch-icon-iphone.png" rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" />
<link href="touch-icon-ipad.png" rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="72x72" />
<link href="touch-icon-iphone4.png" rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="114x114" />
<link href="touch-icon-ipad3.png" rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="144x144" />
If the correct size isn’t specified the device will use the smallest icon that is larger than the recommended size (i.e. if you left out the 114px the iPhone 4 would use the 144px icon).
Retina Background Images
Background images that are specified in your CSS can be swapped out using media queries. You’ll first want to generate two versions of each image. For example ‘bgPattern.png’ at 100px x 100px and ‘bgPattern@2x.png’ at 200px x 200px. It will be useful to have a standard naming convention such as adding @2x for these retina images. To add the new @2x image to your site simply add in the media query below (You can add any additional styles that have background images within the braces of the same media query):
.repeatingPattern {
background: url(../images/bgPattern.png) repeat;
background-size: 100px 100px;
@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
.repeatingPattern {
background: url(../images/bgPattern@2x.png) repeat;
JavaScript for Retina Image Replacement
For your retina images that aren’t backgrounds the best option seems to be either creating graphics with CSS, using SVG, or replacing your images with JavaScript. Just like the background images, you’ll want to create a normal image and one ‘@2x’ image. Then with JavaScript you can detect if the pixel ratio of the browser is 2x, just like you did with the media query:
if (window.devicePixelRatio == 2) {
//Replace your img src with the new retina image
If you’re using jQuery you could quickly replace all your images like this very basic example below. It’s a good idea to add a class to identify the images with hi-res versions so you don’t replace any others by mistake. I’ve added a class=”hires” for this example. Also make sure you have the standard (non-retina) image height and width set in the HTML:
<img class="hires" alt="" src="search.png" width="100" height="100" />
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
if (window.devicePixelRatio == 2) {
var images = $("img.hires");
// loop through the images and make them hi-res
for(var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
// create new image name
var imageType = images[i].src.substr(-4);
var imageName = images[i].src.substr(0, images[i].src.length - 4);
imageName += "@2x" + imageType;
//rename image
images[i].src = imageName;
Server-Side Retina Images
If you’d like to implement a server-side retina image solution, I recommend checking out Jeremy Worboys’ Retina Images (which he also posted in the comments below). His solution uses PHP code to determine which image should be served. The benefit of this solution is that it doesn’t have to replace the small image with the retina one so you’re using less bandwidth, especially if you have lots of images that you’re replacing.
Website Optimization for Retina Displays
If you’re looking for additional information on creating Retina images, I’ve recently had a short book published called Website Optimization for Retina Displays that covers a range of related topics. It contains some of what is above, but also includes samples for many different situations for adding Retina images. It explains the basics of creating Retina images, backgrounds, sprites, and borders. Then it talks about using media queries, creating graphics with CSS, embedding fonts, creating app icons, and more tips for creating Retina websites.