博客 (113)

微软已经开始正式对系统更新的使用者强制检查其所使用的 XP系统是否为盗版的检查,若发现盗版,系统自动更新后,每次启动都提示"您可能是软件盗版的受害者",进入桌面后右下角启动栏里有一个五角星的图案.

即日起微软将启动「正版Windows客户权益独享计划1.0 」 (Windows Genuine Advantage 1.0 , WGA 1.0),用户进入下载中心必须验证是否正版软件,若为盗版软件则不能下载,但是自动更新(Automatic updates)不在此限,所有的用户都可以自动更新修补漏洞。用户在第一次进入Windows update、Microsoft update及Download Center网站进行下载时,将被要求参与WGA验证程序。客户须要下载一个ActiveX控制程序,此程序将自动验证用户计算机所使用的是否为正版 Windows软件。若通过验证,将会有一组Download Key储存在客户计算机中,作为将来进入微软网站进行下载动作时计算机自动辨识之用,微软表示,此验证流程不搜集任何可用来辨认或联络使用者的信息。验证流程已经改善并简化。验证程序将自动验证用户计算机所使用的是否为正版Windows软件,用户不再需键入25码的产品序号,就可以轻松的完成验证过程,大幅降低客户进行验证时的负担。换句话说使用盗版Windows操作系统的用户,将不能直接从下载中心下载Windows Media Player、Antispy等软件,但是依然可以透过自动更新来修补漏洞。


1.IE => 工具=>Internet 选项 => 程序=> 管理加载项=>IE已经使用的加载项=>Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool=>禁用=>然后再上线更新,这样就不会验证了。此WGA(Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications)组件对应文件:legitchechcontrol.dll。WGA是反盗版自动更新验证ActiveX组件,这个正版检验程序植入系统后,会在每次系统启动时,透过网络回报讯息给微软的网站。没更新过的计算机里没有此组件,So..先去update下载此组件后再用此方法去停用此组件,以后即可自动更新了。

计算机=>控制面板=>添加或删除程序=>Windows Installer 3.1(KB893803)=>删除=>重新下载更新档=>windows genuine advantage 不要勾选=>完成。保证不会再出现了(Windows Installer 3.1是修复windows installer安装错误或者提示无法修复MSI出错的微软官方补丁)


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify


在进入Window update 网页后选择「Express(快速)」或「Custom(自订)」按钮前,在 IE 地址栏输入:


HCQ9D-TVCWX-X9QRG-J4B2Y-GR2TT (番茄花园版就是使用的这个序列号)


替换后请到C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data下删除Windows Genuine Advantage文件夹。以后即可通过正版验证。

如果XP是很老的破解版本(比如零售版的破解版本)用户,无法使用上述序列号,请下载RemoveWGA工具。RemoveWGA 是一个专门用来清除 WGA 的小程序,使用者只要通过它,就可以阻止微软的 WGA 在系统每次启动时企图连回微软网站的动作,且使用它并不需要担心微软的正版验证机制,你还是一样能够正常的使用 Windows update 的功能,两者之间并没有任何冲突。虽然系统仍是破解的,但将不会再有任何提示,和以前没有变化。注:该工具会被部分杀毒软件识别为病毒。如须使用,下载前可能需要暂时禁用或者关闭一下病毒防火墙。使用过后再恢复。


This topic provides error message tables associated with Microsoft Silverlight error events.

It contains the following sections:

OnError Event Error Table

The following errors might be returned by the OnError event.

ErrorMessage ErrorType ErrorCode Description
AG_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR ANY 1001 The default error code that is bubbled up if no other specific error message is available. This error can apply to any call.
AG_E_INIT_CALLBACK initializeError 2100 Error in callback to the host script engine. This error occurs on initialization of the plug-in instance.
AG_E_INIT_ROOTVISUAL initializeError 2101 Error in visual root of the XAML tree. For example, you would get this error if the XAML root element is not a Canvas. Can also be raised if there are storyboard mismatches, such as referencing a Storyboard.TargetProperty that is not supported by the object that is the Storyboard.TargetName. This error occurs on initialization of the plug-in instance.
AG_E_RUNTIME_INVALID_CALL runtimeError 2201 Error returned when the particular call is not supported on that element. This error applies to all elements.
AG_E_RUNTIME_FINDNAME runtimeError 2202 The call to the FindName method failed. This applies to any element that FindName is supposed to find but cannot.
AG_E_RUNTIME_SETVALUE runtimeError 2203 Failure to set the value of a property. This applies both to standard JavaScript dotted property syntax, and to SetValue method calls.
AG_E_RUNTIME_GETVALUE runtimeError 2204 Failure to get the value of a property. This applies both to standard JavaScript dotted property syntax, and to GetValue method calls.
AG_E_RUNTIME_ADDEVENT runtimeError 2205 The AddEventListener method failed.
AG_E_RUNTIME_DELEVENT runtimeError 2206 The RemoveEventListener method failed.
AG_E_RUNTIME_METHOD runtimeError 2207 Error in a run-time method that does not have a specific error message. In a try/catch error object, the name of the method is appended to the string (for example, "AG_E_RUNTIME_METHOD : createFromXAML").
AG_E_RUNTIME_GETHOST runtimeError 2208 Error in getting the host object. This applies to the GetHost method.
AG_E_RUNTIME_GETPARENT runtimeError 2209 Error in getting the parent of an object. This applies to the GetParent method. Note that only Canvas objects can be parents of other objects.
AG_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT runtimeError 2210 An invalid argument has been passed.
AG_E_UNNAMED_RESOURCE runtimeError 2211 Error raised when an unnamed Storyboard is added to the Resources section of a UIElement.
AG_E_UNABLE_TO_PLAY mediaError 3000 See the MediaFailed table.
AG_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT MediaError, imageError, downloadError 3001 See the MediaFailed table and the ImageFailed table.
AG_E_NOT_FOUND MediaError, imageError 3002 See the MediaFailed table and the ImageFailed table.
AG_E_ABORT_FAILED downloadError 4000 See the DownloadFailed table. This error applies to the Downloader object.
AG_E_CONNECTION_ERROR downloadError 4001 See the DownloadFailed table. This error applies to the Downloader object.
AG_E_NETWORK_ERROR downloadError 4002 See the DownloadFailed table. This error applies to the Downloader object.

MediaFailed Event Error Table

The following errors might be returned by the MediaFailed event.

ErrorMessage Description
AG_E_NETWORK_ERROR Error raised when attempting to play back a non-existent or invalid media file from a third-party domain.
AG_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT This error can be raised for the following reasons:
  • When the media file is encoded in an unsupported codec.
  • When an unsupported format is set as MediaElement.source.
AG_E_NOT_FOUND The player will return this error from a call to GetMediaItem or GetMediaStreamItem (the native Windows Media APIs) if the media element asks for an item whose GUID is not recognized, or if the file does not exist at the URL specified.

ImageFailed Event Error Table

The following errors might be returned by the ImageFailed Event.

ErrorMessage Description
AG_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT (Same-domain only) The file indicated by the URI is not supported on this type of element. For example, this error might occur if you pass a .wmv file URI to ImageSource. This error is reported only if the source is not cross-domain.
AG_E_NOT_FOUND (Same-domain only) The file indicated by the URI was not found at the position indicated by the URI. This error is reported only if the source is not cross-domain.
AG_E_NETWORK_ERROR Error reported for any cross-domain errors, to prevent anyone who is calling Silverlight APIs from discovering the existence (or nonexistence) of files on third-party servers.

DownloadFailed Event Error Table

The following errors might be returned by the DownloadFailed Event.

ErrorMessage Description
AG_E_ABORT_FAILED Error raised when a call to Abort failed for some reason and the connection is still in progress.
AG_E_CONNECTION_ERROR Error raised from a call to Send. This error occurs before accessing the server when a failure to connect to the Internet occurs on the client side.
AG_E_NETWORK_ERROR Error resulting from a call to Send when the error has occurred on the server side. This error can also occur if you implicitly or explicitly attempt to use the Downloader to download a file: scheme URI.
    System.Diagnostice 命名空间提供了写入Windows事件日志的类。
    一般情况下把程序代码放在 Global.asax 的 Application_Error 事件中。代码如下:
Title    void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string Message = "\n\nURL:\n http://localhost/" + Request.Path + "\n\nMESSAGE:\n" + Server.GetLastError().Message+"\n\nSTACK TRACE:\n"+Server.GetLastError().StackTrace;
        string LogName = "Application";
        if (!EventLog.SourceExists(LogName))
            EventLog.CreateEventSource(LogName, LogName);
        EventLog Log = new EventLog();
        Log.Source = LogName;
        Log.WriteEntry(Message, EventLogEntryType.Error);