具备 RESTful 相关知识会更有利于学习 ASP.NET Web API:RESTful API 学习笔记
ASP.NET Web API 官网:https://www.asp.net/web-api
服务 URI Pattern
Action | Http verb | URI | 说明 |
Get contact list | GET | /api/contacts | 列表 |
Get filtered contacts | GET | /api/contacts?$top=2 | 筛选列表 |
Get contact by ID | GET | /api/contacts/id | 获取一项 |
Create new contact | POST | /api/contacts | 增加一项 |
Update a contact | PUT | /api/contacts/id | 修改一项 |
Delete a contact | DELETE | /api/contacts/id | 删除一项 |
返回类型 | Web API 创建响应的方式 |
void | 返回空 204 (无内容) |
HttpResponseMessage | 转换为直接 HTTP 响应消息。 |
IHttpActionResult | 调用 ExecuteAsync 来创建 HttpResponseMessage,然后将转换为 HTTP 响应消息。 |
其他类型 | 将序列化的返回值写入到响应正文中;返回 200 (正常)。 |
可提供大量控制的响应消息。 例如,以下控制器操作设置的缓存控制标头。
public class ValuesController : ApiController
public HttpResponseMessage Get()
HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "value");
response.Content = new StringContent("hello", Encoding.Unicode);
response.Headers.CacheControl = new CacheControlHeaderValue()
MaxAge = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20)
return response;
public IHttpActionResult Get (int id)
Product product = _repository.Get (id);
if (product == null)
return NotFound(); // Returns a NotFoundResult
return Ok(product); // Returns an OkNegotiatedContentResult
响应状态代码为 200 (正常)。此方法的缺点是,不能直接返回错误代码,如 404。 但是,您可以触发 HttpResponseException 的错误代码。
完善 Help 页
一般都是通过元数据注释(Metadata Annotations)来实现的描述的。
打开 HelpPage 区域的 App_Start 目录下的 HelpPageConfig.cs 文件,在 Register 方法的首行取消注释行:
config.SetDocumentationProvider(new XmlDocumentationProvider(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/XmlDocument.xml")));
在项目右键属性“生成”页,勾选“XML 文档文件”,并填写与上述一致的路径(App_Data/XmlDocument.xml)。
给接口加上 ResponseType 显示响应描述和示例:[ResponseType(typeof(TEntity))]
在实体模型的属性上加入 RequiredAttribute 特性可提供请求或响应中的实体的属性描述,如:[Required]
在 WebApiConfig.Register() 中加入以下代码以禁止以 XML 格式输出(请按需设置):
Json 序列化去掉 k__BackingField
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver = new Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.DefaultContractResolver { IgnoreSerializableAttribute = true };
如果属性值为 null 则不序列化该属性
config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore };
本文记录 Newtonsoft.Json 的用法,System.Text.Json 请参此文。
如何在序列化时间类型时以“年-月-日 时:分:秒”的格式输出?
默认时间类型将序列化为:2017-11-10T18:48:14.1685763+08:00,我们只要 new 一个 IsoDateTimeConverter 即可改变时间类型的输出格式:
var dtc = new IsoDateTimeConverter { DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" };
string b = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(DateTime.Now, dtc);
可以将 Formatting 指定为 Indented 即可输出格式化后的字符串,例:
var obj = new { a = 1, b = 2 };
string a = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj, Formatting.Indented);
"a": 1,
"b": 2
当值为 null 时不序列化
[JsonProperty(NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore)]
不序列化值为 null 的项
var jSetting = new JsonSerializerSettings { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore };
JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj, Formatting.Indented, jSetting);
状态:正在连接 *.*.*.*:21...
响应:220-FileZilla Server
响应:220-written by Tim Kosse (tim.kosse@filezilla-project.org)
响应:220 Please visit https://filezilla-project.org/
服务端已允许被动连接,并且 VS 中的网站发布功能正常(FTP 方式),所以从 FileZilla 客户端入手查找问题。
在站点管理器中发现“加密”项,默认是“如果可用,使用显式的 FTP over TLS”,更改为“只使用普通 FTP (不安全)”即可连接。
这个问题一般出现在换了网络环境的情况下,研究一下 FTP over TLS 很有必要。
打开 FillZilla Server - Edit - Settings - 切换到 FTP over TLS settings 选项卡
勾选 Enable FTP over TLS support (FTPS),点击 Generate new certificate...
填写需要生成的证书信息,其中“2-Digit country code”和“Save key and certificate to this file”必填,点击 Generate certificate 完成生成证书。
完成配置后 FillZilla Server 已支持 FTPS,启动页上的警告也会随之不见:
Warning: FTP over TLS is not enabled, users cannot securely log in.
FileZilla Server 默认以 21 端口安装,阿里云的安全组配置“入方向”规则:
协议类型:自定义 TCP,端口范围:21/21,授权对象
如果要配置“被动模式”,那么在 FileZilla Server 菜单中选择“Edit”- Settings
切换到“Passive mode settings”,打勾“Use custom port range”,并填写端口范围,譬如 30000-40000,确定。
协议类型:自定义 TCP,端口范围:30000/40000,授权对象
如果无法连接,可尝试打开 Windows Server 2016 的“服务器管理器”,选择右上角“工具”-“高级安全 Windows 防火墙”-“入站规则”-“新建规则”,将上述端口设为允许连接。
Apple’s newest devices feature the Retina Display, a screen that packs double as many pixels into the same space as older devices. For designers this immediately brings up the question, “What can I do to make my content look outstanding on these new iPads and iPhones?”. First there are a few tough questions to consider, but then this guide will help you get started making your websites and web apps look amazingly sharp with Retina images!
Things to Consider When Adding Retina Images
The main issue with adding retina images is that the images are double as large and will take up extra bandwidth (this won’t be an issue for actual iOS apps, but this guide is covering web sites & web apps only). If your site is mostly used on-the-go over a 3G network it may not be wise to make all your graphics high-definition, but maybe choose only a select few important images. If you’re creating something that will be used more often on a WI-FI connection or have an application that is deserving of the extra wait for hi-res graphics these steps below will help you target only hi-res capable devices.
Simple Retina Images
The basic concept of a Retina image is that your taking a larger image, with double the amount of pixels that your image will be displayed at (e.g 200 x 200 pixels), and setting the image to fill half of that space (100 x 100 pixels). This can be done manually by setting the height and width in HTML to half the size of your image file.
<img src="my200x200image.jpg" width="100" height="100">
If you’d like to do something more advanced keep reading below for how you can apply this technique using scripting.
Creating Retina Icons for Your Website
When users add your website or web app to their homescreen it will be represented by an icon. These sizes for regular and Retina icons (from Apple) are as follows:
iPhone | 57 x 57 |
Retina iPhone | 114 x 114 |
iPad | 72 x 72 |
Retina iPad | 144 x 144 |
For each of these images you create you can link them in the head of your document like this (if you want the device to add the round corners remove -precomposed):
<link href="touch-icon-iphone.png" rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" />
<link href="touch-icon-ipad.png" rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="72x72" />
<link href="touch-icon-iphone4.png" rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="114x114" />
<link href="touch-icon-ipad3.png" rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="144x144" />
If the correct size isn’t specified the device will use the smallest icon that is larger than the recommended size (i.e. if you left out the 114px the iPhone 4 would use the 144px icon).
Retina Background Images
Background images that are specified in your CSS can be swapped out using media queries. You’ll first want to generate two versions of each image. For example ‘bgPattern.png’ at 100px x 100px and ‘bgPattern@2x.png’ at 200px x 200px. It will be useful to have a standard naming convention such as adding @2x for these retina images. To add the new @2x image to your site simply add in the media query below (You can add any additional styles that have background images within the braces of the same media query):
.repeatingPattern {
background: url(../images/bgPattern.png) repeat;
background-size: 100px 100px;
@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
.repeatingPattern {
background: url(../images/bgPattern@2x.png) repeat;
JavaScript for Retina Image Replacement
For your retina images that aren’t backgrounds the best option seems to be either creating graphics with CSS, using SVG, or replacing your images with JavaScript. Just like the background images, you’ll want to create a normal image and one ‘@2x’ image. Then with JavaScript you can detect if the pixel ratio of the browser is 2x, just like you did with the media query:
if (window.devicePixelRatio == 2) {
//Replace your img src with the new retina image
If you’re using jQuery you could quickly replace all your images like this very basic example below. It’s a good idea to add a class to identify the images with hi-res versions so you don’t replace any others by mistake. I’ve added a class=”hires” for this example. Also make sure you have the standard (non-retina) image height and width set in the HTML:
<img class="hires" alt="" src="search.png" width="100" height="100" />
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
if (window.devicePixelRatio == 2) {
var images = $("img.hires");
// loop through the images and make them hi-res
for(var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
// create new image name
var imageType = images[i].src.substr(-4);
var imageName = images[i].src.substr(0, images[i].src.length - 4);
imageName += "@2x" + imageType;
//rename image
images[i].src = imageName;
Server-Side Retina Images
If you’d like to implement a server-side retina image solution, I recommend checking out Jeremy Worboys’ Retina Images (which he also posted in the comments below). His solution uses PHP code to determine which image should be served. The benefit of this solution is that it doesn’t have to replace the small image with the retina one so you’re using less bandwidth, especially if you have lots of images that you’re replacing.
Website Optimization for Retina Displays
If you’re looking for additional information on creating Retina images, I’ve recently had a short book published called Website Optimization for Retina Displays that covers a range of related topics. It contains some of what is above, but also includes samples for many different situations for adding Retina images. It explains the basics of creating Retina images, backgrounds, sprites, and borders. Then it talks about using media queries, creating graphics with CSS, embedding fonts, creating app icons, and more tips for creating Retina websites.
微软已经开始正式对系统更新的使用者强制检查其所使用的 XP系统是否为盗版的检查,若发现盗版,系统自动更新后,每次启动都提示"您可能是软件盗版的受害者",进入桌面后右下角启动栏里有一个五角星的图案.
即日起微软将启动「正版Windows客户权益独享计划1.0 」 (Windows Genuine Advantage 1.0 , WGA 1.0),用户进入下载中心必须验证是否正版软件,若为盗版软件则不能下载,但是自动更新(Automatic updates)不在此限,所有的用户都可以自动更新修补漏洞。用户在第一次进入Windows update、Microsoft update及Download Center网站进行下载时,将被要求参与WGA验证程序。客户须要下载一个ActiveX控制程序,此程序将自动验证用户计算机所使用的是否为正版 Windows软件。若通过验证,将会有一组Download Key储存在客户计算机中,作为将来进入微软网站进行下载动作时计算机自动辨识之用,微软表示,此验证流程不搜集任何可用来辨认或联络使用者的信息。验证流程已经改善并简化。验证程序将自动验证用户计算机所使用的是否为正版Windows软件,用户不再需键入25码的产品序号,就可以轻松的完成验证过程,大幅降低客户进行验证时的负担。换句话说使用盗版Windows操作系统的用户,将不能直接从下载中心下载Windows Media Player、Antispy等软件,但是依然可以透过自动更新来修补漏洞。
1.IE => 工具=>Internet 选项 => 程序=> 管理加载项=>IE已经使用的加载项=>Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool=>禁用=>然后再上线更新,这样就不会验证了。此WGA(Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications)组件对应文件:legitchechcontrol.dll。WGA是反盗版自动更新验证ActiveX组件,这个正版检验程序植入系统后,会在每次系统启动时,透过网络回报讯息给微软的网站。没更新过的计算机里没有此组件,So..先去update下载此组件后再用此方法去停用此组件,以后即可自动更新了。
计算机=>控制面板=>添加或删除程序=>Windows Installer 3.1(KB893803)=>删除=>重新下载更新档=>windows genuine advantage 不要勾选=>完成。保证不会再出现了(Windows Installer 3.1是修复windows installer安装错误或者提示无法修复MSI出错的微软官方补丁)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify
在进入Window update 网页后选择「Express(快速)」或「Custom(自订)」按钮前,在 IE 地址栏输入:
HCQ9D-TVCWX-X9QRG-J4B2Y-GR2TT (番茄花园版就是使用的这个序列号)
替换后请到C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data下删除Windows Genuine Advantage文件夹。以后即可通过正版验证。
如果XP是很老的破解版本(比如零售版的破解版本)用户,无法使用上述序列号,请下载RemoveWGA工具。RemoveWGA 是一个专门用来清除 WGA 的小程序,使用者只要通过它,就可以阻止微软的 WGA 在系统每次启动时企图连回微软网站的动作,且使用它并不需要担心微软的正版验证机制,你还是一样能够正常的使用 Windows update 的功能,两者之间并没有任何冲突。虽然系统仍是破解的,但将不会再有任何提示,和以前没有变化。注:该工具会被部分杀毒软件识别为病毒。如须使用,下载前可能需要暂时禁用或者关闭一下病毒防火墙。使用过后再恢复。