The 'sbyte' property could not be mapped to the database type 'tinyint(1)'
Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql 升级到 7.0 后出现:
System.InvalidOperationException:“The 'sbyte' property could not be mapped to the database type 'tinyint(1)' because the database provider does not support mapping 'sbyte' properties to 'tinyint(1)' columns. Consider mapping to a different database type or converting the property value to a type supported by the database using a value converter. See for more information. Alternately, exclude the property from the model using the '[NotMapped]' attribute or by using 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'.”
对比 6.0 生成的 DbContext.cs 发现缺少了 UseLoggerFactory,按旧版修改即可。
找到 OnConfiguring 方法,上方插入:
public static readonly LoggerFactory MyLoggerFactory = new LoggerFactory(new[] {
new DebugLoggerProvider()
在 OnConfiguring 方法中将: